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Gran Galà Dell'Alta Fedeltà - Milano 28-29 September 2013

NH Hotel - Zona Fiera Milano
Musica & Video will participate as an exhibitor at the Grand Gala of High Fidelity, to be held at the NH Hotel Milano-Rho on 28-29 September 2013.
In the BORA BORA room, Tower H Stage 1, we will show lots of products, all can be purchased directly by the visitors.
Here is a selection of shown products:
- More than 1,000 vinyl LPs of the best and most prestigious labels
- Accessories such as vinyl inner and outer sleeves, rollers for cleaning vinyl, brushes, mats etc..
- LORICRAFT Professional Records Cleaners ready to show you how they bring to new life your valuable vinyls (if interested please bring with you an LP, we will wash it under your eyes!)
- Cables and sockets JIB Germany all heavily discounted
- Accessories for recorders such as NAB of various colors - Magnetic tapes RMGi

We will share the room with The Recorder Man, i.e. Fabio Liberatore (of which Musica & Video is commercial partner).
An exhibition, unique in its kind, of Open Reel Professional Master Recorders; perfect "dream" machines, completely refurbished and guaranteed.
The ultimate expression of the analog sound, an opportunity not to be missed.

As you know by now the edition of the TAV of 2013 was canceled; therefore the Gran Galà assumes great importance as it will try to take the place of Top Audio.
The exhibitors will be in large numbers, the hotel is very nice and welcoming, the area in which it is located is far away from the chaos of the city, parking is close to the hotel and the entrance is free; all reasons not to miss the Gran Galà..
See you there!